Minds Connected Care

We offer customized workshops and intensives to help you think better personally and professionally.
Transformation is possible.

Let's think better together.


Guided Workshops


Educational or skill-based. They aim to teach or enhance specific skills or knowledge in specific area: mental health, communication, conflict management, parenting, marriage, stress management, etc.


Activities include hands-on training, interactive sessions, and educational content.


Workshops can range from a few hours to several days.



An intensive is a concentrated and focused approach to a specific subject or solution, often more process-focused and in-depth than a workshop.


This may involve advanced training, extensive processing, and immersive learning experiences to deal with the underlying issues.


Intensives are typically short-term (ranging from a half-day to a few days) and are very rewarding in terms of time, effort, and results.



A retreat usually focuses on relaxation, rest, and personal reflection. It often has a processing, therapeutic, or spiritual component.


Activities may include conversations, meditation, reading, nature walks, and discussions, often in a comfortable setting.


Retreats can last anywhere from a day to a weekend.
You have options.

Choose the program that works best for you.

Basic Program

Investment: $1,000
Dive into a customized guided experience with the Basic Program.
  • Access to our online self-guided workshop
  • One program customization session
  • One virtual half-day workshop or intensive

Plus Program

Investment: $1,500
Step up your experience with the Plus Program.

Tailored for those who desire a deeper connection and a comprehensive experience with a follow-up session to keep you on track.
  • Access to our online self-guided workshop
  • One program customization session
  • One virtual half-day workshop or intensive
  • One follow-up session

Premium Program

Investment: $3000
Extend your experience with the Premium Program.

Go even deeper into your healing and growth process with a virtual full-day experience with two follow-up sessions to help you reach your long-term goals.
  • Access to our online self-guided workshop
  • One program customization session
  • One virtual full-day workshop or intensive
  • Two follow-up sessions

Ultimate Program

Investment: $5000
Opt for the Ultimate Program, and immerse yourself in the best Minds Connected has to offer. 

Experience an in-person transformative full-day workshop or intensive, plus three follow-up sessions to support you on your journey.
  • Access to our online self-guided workshop
  • One program customization session
  • One in-person full-day workshop or intensive*
  • Three follow-up sessions

*additional charges may be required for Peter's travel expenses.

Additional services may be available

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